Nexo Bulgaria

The NEXO scandal brings bad news for the “regular tax dodgers” The people in Bulgaria are very well aware of the scandal that unveiled in recent weeks with the crypto platform Nexo. For those who are not aware of what happened though, as reported by Reuters, four Bulgarian nationals haveContinue Reading

tax audit in Bulgaria

The decisions of the Supreme Court, the importance of “intention” and “knowledge” and why a professional tax audit is a must… Negligence by many foreigners about their tax responsibilities in Bulgaria Foreigners doing business in Bulgaria often underestimate the consequences of fiscal non-compliance. Many tend to believe that eventual non-paymentContinue Reading

tax inspection Bulgaria

The hardest thing in the world to understand is the income tax. Albert Einstein Taxes in Bulgaria – what to do when you get the taxman knocking on your door Everyone knows already that Bulgaria applies the lowest EU tax rate – 10% only. Both companies and individuals pay theContinue Reading

VAT in Bulgaria

We will take care to process all your accountancy documents (invoices, etc.) and to file on time 100% compliant VAT declarations every month… Value Added Tax (aka VAT) is one of the worst understood tax areas, but the one that matters the most. VAT in Bulgaria is 20% andContinue Reading

annual tax declarations Bulgaria

We will take care for your all-year-round accountancy. At the end, we will prepare and submit your annual tax returns, so you can be 100% legally compliant… Annual returns are due in Bulgaria as follows: March 31st – for companies; April 30th – for private individuals. From 2018, theContinue Reading