If you don‘t like the news, go out and make some of your own.

Wes Nisker

All the news that matters, because its ultimately about your money!

We are doing our utmost to keep you updated on the latest changes in the Bulgarian and EU legislations in relation to corporate and tax laws. We place special emphasis on administrative and property regulations, EU directives and the current developments on international tax reporting agreements (EUSD, CRS, FATCA, etc.). We are also following the main business events in Bulgaria and are updating our valued customers about the latest actions, Mergers and Acquisitions (M&A), anti trust rulings and legislative decisions of special interest.

We pay special attention to tax compliance and tax optimization. Tax laws are becoming more and more complicated and financial information exchange is changing the whole landscape of the business operations worldwide. On regular basis we provide information events, where we invite our customers to take part and learn more about the latest legal challenges and legislative amendments.

We urge you to read the news articles that are under the latest news section from the menu on the left hand side. Should you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

Our latest news articles