VAT in Bulgaria

We will take care to process all your accountancy documents (invoices, etc.) and to file on time 100% compliant VAT declarations every month… Value Added Tax (aka VAT) is one of the worst understood tax areas, but the one that matters the most. VAT in Bulgaria is 20% andContinue Reading

European VAT

This might as well be an appropriate headline for a dog food commercial or a slogan for an animal shelter. In our case it is regarding an issue, that has a much bigger magnitude and concerns every EU citizen. After 2020, the year of change and surprises, closed us andContinue Reading

VAt tax in Bulgaria

The nature of VAT Value added tax, or VAT (MwSt, BTW, etc.) is one of the least understood tax in the corporate world. In fact this is the tax that we all pay – no matter where we live or how much we earn. If you think that you areContinue Reading